Sprouting Gardeners Club

Wednesdays* – June 9, 16, 23 and 30


*Participants are expected to attend all 4 sessions.

Registration for individual sessions is not allowed.

Suggested age: 8-12 years old

Register at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090c4faaad2ca1fe3-sprouting

Sprouting Gardeners aims to nurture kids understanding of nutrition and gardening through education and stewardship. Kids will learn through hands-on activities, guest speakers and group projects. Kids will take away knowledge of how plants grow, where our food comes from, the plant ecosystem and how to be gardeners in their community.

Sponsored by Norton Children’s Prevention and Wellness.


Week 1: June 9 – “Growing” Together

Week 2: June 16 – Busy Bees

Week 3: June 23 – Forest Foragers

Week 4: June 30 – Harvest Day

Free and open to the public. Parents or guardians are welcome to attend, but it is not necessary.

For questions or to register by phone, call Nikki at 502.609.0603.

If no slots are available and you would like to add a name to the waitlist, please contact Lisa at 502.905.4342 or programs@louisvilegrows.org.


Jun 09 - 22 2021


10:00 am - 11:30 am


1641 Portland Ave, Louisville, KY 40203-1459, United States
1641 Portland Ave, Louisville, KY 40203-1459, United States
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