Giving Grove Community Information Session
Want to find out more about how to become a Giving Grove orchard? Louisville Grows is hosting an information session for any community member interested in establishing a community orchard. No registration is needed to attend…
just show up and learn how we can help you improve access to healthy fruits, berries and nuts in your neighborhood.
Expectations to become a Giving Grove Orchard:
Water Source: Access to water is essential for the orchard site to be successful.
Two Committed ‘Stewards’: For an orchard to be successful, we require each site to have at least one steward (a primary caregiver for the trees) as well as an apprentice (a person from a separate household that assists the primary steward). These volunteer stewards are responsible for the ongoing care and maintenance of the orchard. If one of these people were to forfeit their commitment, a replacement steward/apprentice must be found. Teams of 2+ people are ideal. In addition to maintenance, participation in ongoing education through workshops, events, and communication is strongly encouraged.
Percentage of Harvest Intended to Provide the Community Access to Healthy Food: In many cases, the surrounding community will harvest and receive all the produce. If the orchard location does not experience food insecurity, we ask that the produce be donated to a local food pantry or hunger relief organization.
The Giving Grove program exists to support groups in growing their own orchards that increase access to fresh fruit, hands-on learning, and community building.