The St. Peter Claver Community Garden (SPC)

The SPC Garden was created to provide a neighborhood amenity for Sheppard Square and Smoketown residents’ that enhances healthy lifestyles through increased food security, positive social interaction with neighbors, and outdoor physical activity.

The St. Peter Claver Community Garden (SPC) is managed by staff at the Louisville Metro Housing Authority. Kathleen O’Neil, executive planner and Choice Neighborhoods Coordinator, serves as the lead garden manager with support from Chloe Quiroga, Choice Neighborhoods administrative assistant. These staff members ensure proper management of the garden and contract out necessary maintenance work.

The SPC Garden first opened in 2006 and has been supported by many dedicated gardeners and volunteers since its inception. At this time, Louisville Metro Housing Authority (LMHA) is interested in expanding programmatic offerings at the garden in order to engage more Sheppard Square residents with the benefits of healthy eating, physical activity, and being involved with their community. The SPC Garden was established by LMHA and the agency is committed to maintaining the garden both now and in the future. Members of the LMHA executive team support garden activities and ensure success of programming offered at the site. There is also a group of very committed gardeners/volunteers who support their fellow gardeners and the overall maintenance and operations of the garden.The SPC Garden replaced a once vacant plot of land with a thriving and beautiful space which supports its many gardeners in pursuing a healthy lifestyle. Gardeners benefit not only from the production of fresh produce for themselves and their families, but also enjoy the community built with their fellow gardeners.

Each spring a signup campaign is hosted to recruit new gardeners from the area, with a particular focus on residents living at the new Shepherd Square housing site. Located just south of downtown, the SPC garden also helps reduce the urban heat island effect in Louisville. In addition, the SPC Garden provides a unique and attractive amenity for neighborhood and community members not directly involved in garden activities


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