Eclipse Viewing & Louisville Grows 8th Birthday Party!
Total eclipse of the sun is on 21 August 2017—and it’s also the start of Louisville Grows’ 8th birthday week! What better excuse for a little party? Slip away to celebrate with your friends at Louisville Grows!
We’ll provide cake & ice cream (and eclipse viewing glasses) from 1-4pm at Healthy House (1641 Portland Ave Louisville KY 40203). Eclipse starts at 12:59pm, max Eclipse at 2:27 and Eclipse ends at 3:51pm. You’ll get a great view of the eclipse from our green roof! Woo hoo!
This is event is free and open to everyone! Special drawings for prizes will be held for Louisville Grows members throughout our birthday week! Not a member? BECOME A MEMBER TODAY! Give any amount you can afford each month through your debit or credit card here: https://secure.donationpay.org/louisvillegrows/monthly.php
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