Inaugural Garden Gala
Buy your tickets (bit.ly/1JSb1fh) and enjoy an evening of fun and seasonal food while supporting a greener and more resilient Louisville. You will be treated to a dinner catered by Orange Clover featuring hyper-local produce from our own Urban Growers Cooperative. Hear about the dishes and the chef’s use of local sustainable food. Dessert will be provided by Cake Flour Natural Bakery and Comfy Cow Ice Cream. The bar will feature a variety of local beer donated by West Sixth Brewing and wine from Horseshoe Bend Winery. Live music will be played during the event compliments of a University of Louisville Jazz Trio.
Click on the link below to purchase tickets: $75 per person (discount available for students/non-profit employees/farmers and YPAL members)
Sponsors and additional contributions are encouraged. Please contact Valerie (valerie@louisvillegrows.org) more details and sponsor benefits.
All proceeds will go towards supporting urban agriculture and forestry projects in Metro Louisville.
Louisville Grows is a non-profit, non-governmental organization dedicated to growing a just and sustainable community in Louisville, KY through urban agriculture, urban forestry, and environmental education.
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