Little Free Pantry (re)Dedication Gathering!
Please join us for a brief ceremony at 12:30 to dedicate this Little Free Pantry in front of Louisville Grows’ Healthy House! We’ll have a few words about the history of the Pantry and food justice in Louisville, then we’ll cut the ribbon and take a group photo! Be part of history and join us! We plan to live stream the event on Facebook!
This pantry was originally installed in front of A Yarn Crossing by Lindsey Hoehn. When the storefront closed, it was donated to Louisville Grows. We are giving it a little facelift (doors aren’t on yet in these photos!) and proudly and lovingly rededicating it for the community’s use–it’s all about neighbors helping neighbors!
If you can, please bring something to give to the Pantry! Here are some items that tend to fly off Little Free Pantry shelves:
Peanut butter
Canned meats
Coffee, tea, hot chocolate
Instant cereals, oats, noodles, etc
Dried fruit
Nutrition and granola bars
Snack chips and pretzels
Toilet paper
Feminine care items
Shampoo Conditioner
Body wash
Dental care
First aid supplies
Pet food
Cold weather
Hand warmers
Hats scarves
Small fleece blankets
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