Louisville Grows’ Seeds and Starts Sale!
Need starts for your garden? Looking for an easier way to grow your veggies? Come check out our famous Seeds and Starts Sale on April 15 at the People’s Garden (536 N. 44th St) from 10am – 4pm! We will have ALL sorts of plant starts for your garden including kale, tomatoes, peppers, leafy greens, beets, and more. Instead of waiting around for a seed to germinate and sprout, you simply put the whole plant in the ground and it starts producing in just a few weeks. Easy-peasy!
(Don’t forget, members get 25% off all seeds and starts and are invited to a members only pre-sale on April 14th. You can become a member here: https://secure.donationpay.org/louisvillegrows/monthly.php)
(Photo from last year’s plant starts sale by Amy Barber of Bluegrass Bebe)
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