Sprouting Cooks: Kids Workshop Series

Introducing the Sprouting Cooks workshop series.

In partnership with Norton Children’s Prevention and Wellness, Louisville Grows kicks off the first of six cooking classes aimed at children 8-14 years old. The Sprouting Cooks series is designed to educate kids on healthy eating practices as well as teaching kitchen safety and basic cooking skills. Free and open to the public.

First Class: Taste Weird Things (March 12)
Provides the foundation for the rest of the course. Many young eaters have a difficult time recognizing certain flavors, especially sour and bitter.This first activity teaches participants to distinguish between different flavors by isolating them into the five basic tastes – sweet, salty, bitter, sour and umami.

Second Class: Poetry of the Senses (March 26)
In this class, participants will learn to describe herbs using their senses and create a poem. A basic introduction to herbs and their function followed by an activity in which the young leaners will have to describe the scent of the plant, the texture and the flavor using all of their senses. Using this information, they will create a poem to combine sensory input and creative output.

Third Class: Flavor Changer (April 9)

A central skill to cooking and enjoying healthy foods is to know how to manipulate the flavor of any dish. Participants will add flavors to dishes in order to discover how different tastes go together, balance each other, and work together. They will also learn how to change a food they may not like into one they prefer.

Fourth Class: Vary your Veggies (April 23)

Cooking vegetables can change the taste and texture, which can make it more appealing to young taste buds. In this class, participants will learn various cooking techniques to create a mixed vegetable salad. They will also learn the different tastes, smells and health benefits of raw vegetables vs cooked vegetables.

Fifth Class: Exploring Herbs
This workshop will explore various herbs used in cooking and how small, simple changes can change the taste of a dish.

Sixth Class: Field Trip to the Peoples Garden


Mar 12 2018 - May 21 2018


5:30 pm - 7:00 pm

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Louisville Grows
Louisville Grows Louisville KY United States 40203
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