Sprouting Cooks: Kids Workshop Series

Basic cooking classes for kids 8-14 years old in partnership with Norton Children’s Prevention and Wellness.

Sprouting Cooks is designed to educate kids on:
*Healthy eating practices
*Teach basic kitchen skills
*Demonstrate kitchen safety

Workshop descriptions:

First class, April 1-Poetry of the Senses
A basic introduction to herbs and their function followed by an activity in which the junior leaners will have to describe the scent of the plant, the texture and the flavor using all of their senses. Using this information, they will create a poem to combine sensory input and creative output. In the kitchen, junior learners will learn chopping basics while incorporating herbs into their dish.

Second class, April 9-Farm to Form
Junior learners will explore the greenhouse space and learn about urban agriculture.

Third class, April 15-Vary your Veggies
Cooking vegetables can change the taste and texture of foods, which can make it more appealing to young taste buds. In this class, junior learners will learn various cooking techniques to create a mixed vegetable salad. They will also learn the different tastes, smells and health benefits of raw vegetables vs cooked vegetables.

Fourth class, April 22-Putting it All Together
Junior learners will measure, slice, and dice their way through a recipe using fresh, local ingredients.

*Attending the entire series is highly encouraged!

Free and open to the public.

Registration required. Guardian must accompany child.
To reserve your free ticket, go to https://tinyurl.com/SproutingCooks2020
or call Nikki at 502.629.7346


Apr 01 - 22 2020


6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

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Louisville Grows
Louisville Grows Louisville KY United States 40203
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